Our Vision

Who Are We?

Amy Howard – https://amyhowardblog.wordpress.com

Constance Mhishi – https://connieam.wordpress.com

Dionne Lee – https://dd96.wordpress.com

Ali Hashim – https://alihashim184.wordpress.com

Gabrielle Green – Gabriellesadventure.wordpress.com

What do we want?

Our vision is to make the world that we live in a fair one. Our belief as a group is that using technology and communication, we can promote equality. With the general election fast approaching we want to raise awareness and enlighten potential voters about how the current government works and how it could be improved. The key areas that we suggest require immediate attention are; university and NHS funding, nuclear disarmament and promoting equality in advertising through censorship. With the money that the government will save in response to the abolition of Trident, we can afford to put more money into the NHS in order to avoid over-worked and underpaid staff as well as decrease wait times, and can also drop university fees from the extortionate £9000 that they currently stand at. Using technology and new methods of communication in order to draw in the young voters, you can find throughout our webpage our detailed proposals for change.